The ESaT TELSa suite of programmes and assessment, specifically designed for adult learners, are offered at MQF/EQF levels 1 to 4 and have been developed, trialled, and piloted to exacting standards, under the guidance of international experts in the field of language learning, testing and assessment. These internationally recognised qualifications offer standardised tests of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers wishing to obtain accreditation of their level of English. The TELSa suite of qualifications covers six levels.

ESaT is fully recognised by the Maltese regulating body, MFHEA (Malta Further and Higher Education Authority). ESaT TELSa qualifications are aligned to the Maltese Qualifications Framework (MQF)*, which is aligned to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

The following chart illustrates how ESaT qualifications compare to various international standards and assessments.

ESaT MQF/EQF CEFR Cambridge English IELTS
TELSa C2 LEVEL 4 C2 MASTERY 200+ 8.0-9.0
TELSa C1 LEVEL 4 C1 EOP 180-200 7.0-7.5
TELSa B2 LEVEL 4 B2 VANTAGE 160-180 6.0-6.5
TELSa B1 LEVEL 3 B1 THRESHOLD 140-160 4.0-5.5
TELSa A2 LEVEL 2 A2 WAYSTAGE 120-140 3.0-3.5
TELSa A1 LEVEL 1 A1 BREAKTHROUGH 100-120 1.0-2.5
Test weighting
Paper 1 Reading & Language Use 25%
Writing 25%
Paper 2 Listening 25%
Paper 3 Speaking 25%
  • There is no minimum pass mark for the individual sections/papers of the examination, and, therefore, a candidate’s ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ result is based on the total/cumulative score of all the papers.
  • With the exception of the Writing and Speaking elements of a TELSa examination, both of which entail subjective marking and are, therefore, subject to prescribed guidelines relating to assessment of productive skills, the TELSa Level B2 examination consists of structured tests which allow for a fixed score to be given for each correct answer, as per marking keys/mark scheme provided.
  • The final candidate score is made up of the sum of the total marks achieved across all of the papers.

TELSa qualifications are used by further and higher education institutions as entrance requirements.

 The TELSa suite of examinations assesses the four language skills through specific tests and subtests for Reading comprehension, Written production, Listening comprehension and Oral production as well as Use of English/Language Use.


Narrow Fail
Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 51%-59% 0% – 50%
  • Overall qualification grades are determined by a candidate’s performance across four skills in the examination. The marking system caters for a single cumulative mark, out of 100, to be expressed as a percentage.
  • Pass mark is an overall 60%.
  • Each of the 4 language skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking) carries an equal weighting of 25% of the total score:
Test weighting
Paper 1 Reading & Language Use 25%
Writing 25%
Paper 2 Listening 25%
Paper 3 Speaking 25%
  • There is no minimum pass mark for the individual sections/papers of the examination, and, therefore, a candidate’s ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ result is based on the total/cumulative score of all the papers.
  • With the exception of the Writing section of Paper 1 and Paper 3 (Speaking), both of which entail subjective marking and are, therefore, subject to prescribed guidelines relating to assessment of productive skills, TELSa examinations consist of structured objective testing which allow for a fixed score to be given for each correct answer, as per marking keys/mark scheme provided. The final candidate score is made up of the sum total of marks achieved in all three papers.


Narrow Fail
Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 51%-59% 0% – 50%
  • Overall qualification grades are determined by a candidate’s overall performance in the four papers of the examination. The marking system caters for a single cumulative mark, out of 100, to be expressed as a percentage.
  • Pass mark is an overall 60%. Each of the 4 language skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking) carries an equal weighting of 25% of the total score:
Test weighting
Paper 1 Reading & Language Use 25%
Paper 2 Listening 25%
Paper 3 Writing 25%
Paper 4 Speaking 25%
  • There is no minimum pass mark for the individual sections/papers of the examination, and, therefore, a candidate’s ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ result is based on the total/cumulative score of all the papers.
  • With the exception of Paper 3 (Writing) and Paper 4 (Speaking), both of which entail subjective marking and are, therefore, subject to prescribed guidelines relating to assessment of productive skills, the TELSa Level B2 examination consists of structured tests which allow for a fixed score to be given for each correct answer, as per marking keys/mark scheme provided.
  • The final candidate score is made up of the sum total of marks achieved in all four papers.