Schools and Higher Education Institutions
Overview for Schools and Universities
ESaT offers a range of level-based English Language Qualifications.
ESaT qualifications are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)* as well as the Maltese Qualifications Framework (MQF)* which is aligned to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The following chart illustrates how ESaT qualification levels relate to the CER and MQF/EQF levels.
ESaT | MQF/EQF | CEFR | Cambridge English | IELTS |
TELSa C2 | LEVEL 4 | C2 MASTERY | 200+ | 8.0-9.0 |
TELSa C1 | LEVEL 4 | C1 EOP | 180-200 | 7.0-7.5 |
jTELS/TELSa B2 | LEVEL 4 | B2 VANTAGE | 160-180 | 6.0-6.5 |
jTELS/TELSa B1 | LEVEL 3 | B1 THRESHOLD | 140-160 | 4.0-5.5 |
jTELS/TELSa A2 | LEVEL 2 | A2 WAYSTAGE | 120-140 | 3.0-3.5 |
jTELS/TELSa A1 | LEVEL 1 | A1 BREAKTHROUGH | 100-120 | 1.0-2.5 |
Young Learner Tests |
*Further information about the Common European Framework or Reference for Languages (CEFR) is available on the Council of Europe website at htto://
*Further information about the Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) is available on the NCFHE website at
Why use ESaT qualifications?
ESaT qualifications are suitable for use by further and higher education institutions as entrance requirements.
A reliable assessment of a learner’s English language skills
ESaT qualifications offer a comprehensive assessment of the 4 language skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, providing a reliable indicator of language ability.
Achievement at a higher level is often the result of many years of study. Typically, candidates at this level will have started studying English at a very young age, gradually working their way up the various levels, incrementally and confidently increasing their skills and knowledge of the language,
ESaT qualifications provide challenging but attainable targets every step of the way, encouraging candidates as they move up the levels to become confident and proficient users of the language.
Secure and fair exams
Our authorised centres are regulated by a code of practice to ensure the highest level of security during the examination sessions as well as equal and fair treatment of all candidates.
Transparent and informative results
A consistent scoring system across all levels make it easy for an institution to establish
entrance requirements and provides accurate information about each language skill.
ESaT certificates provide and overall aggregate grade for the Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening skills. Grades and performance descriptors for each of these skills provide precise information across all areas.
All the information about a candidate’s language ability in each separate skill is displayed on the certificate, with no separation of certificate and analysis of results.
Reporting of Exam Results
Candidates receive a score for each skill (reading, writing, listening and speaking).
Our standard approach to the reporting of results across all levels guarantees that anyone can …
- understand candidates’ results and assess their ability in each skill
- compare ESaT exam levels
- describe the level of language skills needed for admission requirements

Successful candidates receive a certificate showing their overall grade, individual skills scores, CEFR level and MQF level relating to the Maltese Qualifications Framework.
Overall Grade
This is an aggregate of the scores achieved in the individual sections or papers (Use of English, Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking).
Individual Score
Candidates are awarded a score for each of the skills (Speaking, Reading, Writing, Listening) as well as for the Use of English section. With these overall grades and breakdown of individual skills, it is easy for institutions to specify the general level of English required in order for students to be able to participate fully in their courses, as well as indicate the requisite level for any of the language skills.
Extended Certification
ESaT follows and Extended Certification policy in its assessment. Candidates that obtain a Narrow Fail are issued with a lower level certificate (e.g. a candidate that obtained a narrow fail in a B2 test, is issued a B1 certificate).