Placement Tests

Before starting a course of English or booking an exam, it is important to understand your current level of English. 

If you would like to get a general idea of your level of English, you may try one, or more, of the short tests, below. These tests are designed to test your knowledge of grammatical structures and could help you to understand your current level of ability. Please note that they are not designed to give you a complete indication of competence or ability in the English language as they only test one area; however, the results could then be used together with a more comprehensive level check carried out at an ESaT Centre. Kindly contact your nearest ESaT Centre to arrange a full level test.

In each of the tests, you are asked to give your name and email address.  By providing this information, you give ESaT permission to provide you with details of possible products and services it offers. The information will not be shared with any other parties and all data collected is treated in accordance with GDPR guidelines.

Basic Level English Test (CEFR A1/A2)

Intermediate Level English Test (CEFR B1/B2)

Advanced Level English Test (CEFR C1/C2)