Question: How long will my ESaT certificate be valid for?

Answer: ESaT certificates do not have an expiry date.


Question: Where can I take an ESaT exam?

Answer: In an authorised ESaT Centre or remotely from another secure location, such as your own home. Contact your nearest ESaT Centre for more details.


Question: Are ESaT exams recognised?

Answer: Yes! ESaT exams are internationally recognised as they are accredited by the MFHEA in Malta and the MIUR in Italy.  This means they are automatically recognised in all European countries and any country signed up to the Bologna agreement.


Question: I’m 14 years old.  Can I take an ESaT Exam?

Answer: Yes, we have a specific suite of Exams, from level A1 to level B2, that have been designed for people of your age.  Contact your nearest ESaT Centre for more details about our jTELS exams.


Question: I need to take an exam and get my results very quickly.  Can I do this with ESaT?

Answer: Yes, ESaT has a Fast-Track Option for this situation.  Contact your nearest ESaT Centre for more information and to book your exam.


Question: Is ESaT an international company?

Answer: Yes, we are present in Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Malta. We also expect to be present in other countries in the near future.


Question: I am not completely satisfied with an ESaT product/service and I would like to lodge a complaint. How do I do this?

Answer: To allow us to investigate concerns, you should give a detailed summary of the complaint via info@esatqualifications.com . The following must also be included:

  • full name,
  • contact details (email address, postal address and phone number),
  • where appropriate, details of the course attended/examination taken, including the course/test session date and the ESaT Centre name,
  • copies of any previous correspondence with the ESaT Centre that provided you with the product/service, as well as the outcome of their internal complaints procedure where applicable.